Maximize Employee Performance

Do you invest time and energy in training your staff, then 2 weeks later, observe them doing everything wrong?

Have you considered the amount of money it takes to hire, train, and onboard new staff, only to have them leave a few months later?

What would be possible for your club if every staff member was trained in a consistent manner, knew best practices, and you could regularly monitor and improve their performance?

How much would that positively impact your bottom line?

Hiring new employees and not training them effectively or having consistent follow-up ... you might as well set a stack of $100 bills on fire. 

Do You Worry About...
  • The amount of money you're losing having to train & onboard new employees?

  •  Inconsistent standards of performance with employees? 

  • ​Retaining good employees? 
  • ​Having Metrics to Measure & Improve Employee Performance? (E.g. Making More Money)

Hello, I'm Willard Barth

Entrepreneur, author of the #1 bestselling book The Anatomy of Transformation, Business Consultant, and Peak Performance Strategist. As an educator, mentor, & trusted advisor, I am dedicated to helping you become all that you can be. 

Willard Barth has been a featured speaker 6 times at ED Expo, sharing trainings and strategies for both club owners and staff. Willard spent 21 years working in some of the top clubs in PA, NJ, and NYC as a DJ and Manager. During that time he was recruited by the Tony Robbins Organization to become a corporate facilitator which began his transition from working in the clubs to becoming one of the top Business Consultants in his field.

Willard is the Author of the #1 Best-Selling book "The Anatomy of Transformation" as well as a contributor to several other books on business and personal development.

His recent TedTalk based on his own personal Transformation -- from losing his leg to cancer, drug and alcohol addiction, incarceration, homelessness and being $250,000 in debt, to being one of the most respected leaders in his field -- has also has been receiving great reviews.

Throughout his training career he has worked with hundreds of companies and thousands of people to get them explosive results in both their professional and personal lives. His presentations are humorous, entertaining, powerful and get instant results.

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